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Notes to Financial Statements
Accounts Receivable
Notes Details
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details) - Schedule of total accounts receivable, net
Revenue and Deferred Revenue (Details) - Schedule of current deferred revenue
Fair Value Measures (Details) - Schedule of fair value of the contingent consideration within other expenses
Accounts Receivable (Details)
Inventory (Details) - Schedule of Inventory
Inventory (Details) - Schedule of establishes inventory reserves for obsolete, slow moving and defective items
Prepaid Expenses and Other Current Assets (Details) - Schedule of prepaid expenses and other current assets
Intangible Assets and Goodwill (Details) - Schedule of changes in goodwill
Accrued Expenses and Other Current Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of accrued expenses
Business Combination (Details) - Schedule of components and the allocation of the purchase price
Business Combination (Details) - Schedule of components and the allocation of the purchase price
Business Combination (Details) - Schedule of components and the allocation of the purchase price
Derivative Liabilities (Details) - Schedule of significant unobservable inputs used in the discounted cash flow were a discount rate of approximately 20% and a probability of a Public Transaction occurring of 56%
Capital Structure (Details) - Schedule of option activity under the company's stock option plans
Capital Structure (Details) - Schedule of warrant activity
Income Taxes (Details) - Schedule of U.S. Federal statutory tax rate and effective tax rate for financial statement purposes
Commitments and Contingencies (Details) - Schedule of lease activity
Uncategorized Items - f10k2021_agrifycorp_htm.xml
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